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Gender Affirming

Voice Training

Finding your voice is your own personal journey. I am grateful to help you on your journey.


Pursing voice training with a qualified speech-language pathologist will help you reach your goals with good vocal hygiene, endurance, and sustainability over time.  Voice training helps you create a tool box of strategies and techniques that you can use to build your congruent voice. Not all tools are for everybody, but it is important to learn them and try them, and make your own decisions. Tools include: pitch, resonance, intonation, lengthening or shortening vowels, adding emotion and meaning to communication, vowel onsets, lengthening or shortening the vocal tract, and more.  Whether you are looking to feminize, masculinize, or achieve a gender neutral voice, voice training will help you get there in a healthy way without risk of strain or injury to the vocal folds.


British Columbia is currently the only province offering free voice feminization training. Changing Keys is a group voice feminization program that runs for 6-9 weeks, several times a year.  I am a Changing Keys instructor and encourage you to sign up for Changing Keys as the waiting list varies year to year If you get called for a spot in the program and it is not the right time for you, you can decline and stay on the waiting list for the next available session. All Changing Keys programming is currently being offered via telepractice. There are both individual and group options.


While you are waiting for Changing Keys, after you have finished Changing Keys, or if you prefer to have private services, I am happy to support you with private voice training sessions.




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Photo by Bert Krasner

101-8644 120 St

Surrey BC V3W 3N6


Tel: 604.785.7357

Fax: 604.265.8554


Telepractice services available across BC


Mailing address:

PO Box 215

Surrey , BC V3T 4W8


Mon -Thurs. 10:00-6:00

Hours are flexible

Thanks for submitting! I will be away from October 23-November 22, 2024. I will be in touch soon.

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